Conni and Bill Depart Then Return to French Polynesia to Restart the 36-Month Customs Clock. Boxes and bags, engine parts, repaired electronics, new flashlights, and small packages of nuts and bolts for specific jobs: they litter my office floor. Swim fins, books, new chart chips for our plotters, 12VDC fans, and lots more await stowing in the Blue Boxes. Nothing says, "cruising" better than a room full of boat supplies and equipment! Also like last year, we'll have a crew member aboard. Our friend, Julia, will join us on the upwind beat from Rarotonga to French Polynesia. We're thrilled that we found just the right person! Bill has worked for several days to clear her entrance into the Cook Islands with a one-way ticket, an unpopular situation with the officials of any country. The competent and fast Cook Islands Immigration staff had Julia's paperwork returned to us within a few days of their receiving the required documentation. So, we begin 2018 and its adventures! We Depart French Polynesia and Arrive in Rarotonga, Cook Islands
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