Wings In The Unknown We are finally committed to returning to Wings as she sits in French Polynesia. We have tickets in hand, have both received both of our CoVid vaccinations, and have completed the many purchases that are the norm for cruisers.French Polynesia has opened its borders to
travelers so long as they are vaccinated and have a confirmation
of a negative PCR CoVid test within the 72 hours prior to
boarding. We have received our official recognition from the
French Polynesian government confirming that they accept our CoVid
vaccinations and have arrangements made for completing testing
requirements prior to departing.
What will we do this season? #1 is
maintenance, as always. We don't even know what some of our
repairs will be, but we'll have days of that, working out of our
beloved Pension Tiare Nui. We're going to replace our AC
charger, used to charge our batteries in the off season using the
local power grid. I've got to install our new wireless wind
sensor on the masthead, requiring that I use the various halyards
(sail-raising and lower ropes) to reach the top. I assure
you that I am not looking forward to that! Having a reliable
wind sensor in our new B&G navigation suite will be quite a
new day for us!
Ian, my nephew, will be visiting from Texas for
a few days, the only one of that generation to do so. He's a
great guy and we are looking forward to his visit. We are
also planning on a sail to eastward, returning to the Tuamotus,
one of the five island groups in French Polynesia. This
group is all atolls: nothing but the fringing coral reef
remains after the original volcano has subsided. The
specific atoll we wish to visit is Apataki, which lies about 220
nautical miles from Tahiti. The island has about 360
residents, and one of the only shipyards in that part of the South
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